This book follows Hunter and Mercy who are twin witches who live in the town of Goodeville. The sisters have to learn what it means to be Gatekeepers like their ancestors were before them.
Hunter and Mercy's mother is the first victim of many murders, the sister agrees on avenging their mother's death. The girls will quickly find out that they will need more than their magic to win against the ancient mythological monsters who have disturbed their peaceful town.
My review:
This book was just meh. Nothing special. The only things I enjoyed were the witchy parts. but other than that it was a pretty flat story and for the younger crowd. I didn't really like the characters. I much more enjoyed the House of night books from the mother-daughter duo. I really wanted to like this one but it's a no-go for me it didn't live up to the expectations I like the cover it's pretty. The dialogue was a little strange with the back and forth and reactions were awkward.
Thank you Netgalley, St.Martin's Press, and Wednesday Books for the advanced copy.